
Toyota Corolla Axio Fuel Average in Pakistan

The Toyota Corolla Axio has a fuel average of 11 to 28 KM/L in the city and 15 to 34 KM/L on the highway. The fuel average of Corolla Axio varies upon variant, transmission, fuel type and driving style. With a fuel tank capacity of 36 L, the Toyota Corolla Axio has an approximated driving range of 396.0 to 1008.0 KM in the city and 540.0 to 1224.0 KM on the Highway. For the latest fuel pricing, whether it's petrol, CNG, or diesel, you can check latest petrol prices.

Corolla Axio Fuel Average by Variants

Corolla Axio Variants Average Mileage City Mileage Highway Mileage

Toyota Corolla Axio X 1.3

1329 cc, Automatic, Petrol
13.0 KM/L 11.0 KM/L 15.0 KM/L

Toyota Corolla Axio X G Edition 1.3

1329 cc, Automatic, Petrol
13.0 KM/L 11.0 KM/L 15.0 KM/L

Toyota Corolla Axio X 1.5

1496 cc, Automatic, Petrol
13.0 KM/L 11.0 KM/L 15.0 KM/L

Toyota Corolla Axio G

1496 cc, Automatic, Petrol
13.0 KM/L 11.0 KM/L 15.0 KM/L

Toyota Corolla Axio Luxel 1.5

1496 cc, Automatic, Petrol
13.0 KM/L 11.0 KM/L 15.0 KM/L

Toyota Corolla Axio Hybrid 1.5

1496 cc, Automatic, Hybrid
31.0 KM/L 28.0 KM/L 34.0 KM/L

Toyota Corolla Axio WXB

1496 cc, Automatic, Petrol
29.0 KM/L 24.0 KM/L 34.0 KM/L

Toyota Corolla Axio Fuel Cost Calculator


Your monthly fuel cost for Toyota Corolla Axio is:

PKR / Month

* Fuel cost is calculated based on city mileage considering 25 days of travel in a month.

Mileage Reviews of Toyota Corolla Axio

5.0 (22 Reviews)

The overall rating of Toyota Corolla Axio is 5.0/5.0 based on:

  • Style 4-rating
  • Comfort 5-rating
  • Fuel Economy 5-rating
  • Performance 4-rating
  • Value for Money 4-rating


Excellent value for money

Toyota Corolla Axio Hybrid 1.5
Muhammad Ayan Malik Jan 30, 2024

Very topnotch car with good looks and performance combined with excellent fuel average. i have owned this car for more than 5 years and drove it above 2lac kms and not a single engine work is neede...


value for money

Toyota Corolla Axio Hybrid 1.5
Hafiz Abdul Rehman Nov 25, 2023

excellent quality,full option,leather interior sedan style ,good fuel average, sale value high,smooth drive, comfortably,My baby like a good vehicle for show up your friends. excellent quality,full...

FAQs about Toyota Corolla Axio Mileage

The Toyota Corolla Axio fuel average is 11 to 28 KM/L
The Toyota Corolla Axio has a fuel tank capacity of 36 Liters
With the current fuel price of PKR 288.49 per liter, and an average of 20 kilometers daily driving for 25 days in a month, the monthly Toyota Corolla Axio fuel cost is PKR 5151.61 / Month.

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